20″ high x 10″ diameter
Edition 13
“The Patriot”
“Beware! Oh sons and daughters of Tyranny; look ye behind, for ‘We the People’ are gaining on you!”
Boldly poised like an Eagle overlooking his domain, a Kentucky frontiersman, the quintessential American Patriot, stands with one foot resting and braced on the stone tablet incised with July IV, 1776, later to be held by the Statue of Liberty, itself embraced by the roots of a mighty oak that has been felled by our pioneer forefathers to carve out a new land of Freedom in the wilderness. His right hand grasps a pipe tomahawk signifying that the first and foremost desire of the true Patriot is for “Peace” based on, and reinforced by, the hatchet blade of “Justice.” In his left hand the double-edged dagger of “TRUTH”, the first weapon upon which Justice, and ultimately Liberty, depend and from which despots and tyrants flee. In his belt and across his back are secured the final resort of pistol and rifle to achieve and always be ready if necessary to maintain, precarious Liberty. Finally, The Patriots’ expression, and particularly the look in his eyes, is that which would wither the most despotic tyrant, be they from without or from within.
The Oak Tree represents the strength of American firm-rooted resolve to have Freedom. The stone tablet is an unmistakably American symbol to identify the essence of the figure that is all about American Liberty. The knife and pipe tomahawk signify that Liberty must be based on “Truth” & “Justice” but, if found wanting, these essential qualities will be re-established by force of arms, as a last resort.
James Muir © All Rights Reserved.