"The Newsboy"
Life-size Bronze Sculpture Allegory
by James Muir Bronze Allegorical Sculptor-Artist

"The Newsboy" Life-size Bronze Sculpture Allegory by James Muir Bronze Allegorical Sculptor-Artist

“The Newsboy”

life-size 70 inches high

edition 12

Click here for The Newsboy Maquette

Click here for The Newsboy Study

“The Newsboy”

A Newsboy from the past heralding in
a new era; a little David
armed with the unerring pebble of TRUTH
to do battle against the
Goliath of Falsehood.

James N. Muir

The slingshot in his hip pocket, so appropriate to a little David, serves as a warning of the unerring accuracy of well-directed Truth. The front page photo of the Newsboy holding up the headline of “Truth!” mirrors the theme to infinity as a pebble creates infinite ripples in a pond.